My name is Koje.
One of my playmates, a little girl named Evie, told me about how much she enjoys being tucked into her bed at night. But then sometimes she wakes up during the night. She’s cold because she’s on top of her blanket instead of under it. Sometimes the blanket is bunched up on the floor. And, her Mommie and Daddy don’t seem very happy when she sneaks her cold feet into bed with them.
It made me think about my mother’s pouch, and I wished Evie could have a cozy place to sleep like I do. So I asked my Mommie if she could help and she fashioned a way to transform Evie’s mattress into a pouch.
I took the pouch and bounced over to my friend's house. It's a blanket that wraps completely around the mattress, made of fleece to be warm and cozy, closed on the foot of the mattress so it won’t pull up too far, and has a zipper on the side so it’s easy to get in and out of. There are no ends to pull loose so it stays put. Her Mommie was curious because she had often wondered how to keep the blanket on the bed and how to make it stay on kids. She put it on Evie’s bed, and Evie snuggled down into it. Evie giggled and said, “Now my bed will keep me cozy.”

Her Mommie and Daddy were happy, too. Evie hadn’t told me, but her Daddy knew that since she had just moved from her crib she sometimes tumbled off the bed. But wrapped with her Keep Me Kozy™ blanket she now stays put. Mommie was happy that Evie can't drag her blanket around the house or into the yard. Making the bed is so easy now, just zip it up. And no more cold feet in the middle of the night!

Koje was delighted for his friend, but then he discovered that his idea which started as simply a stay put blanket for toddlers has a special appeal for many children with autism. And, the design is appreciated by parents of children with other special needs, too.
It's not only practical, it's comforting for parents to know their children stay covered all night, so the Keep Me Kozy™ blanket contributes to a better night's sleep for children AND parents!